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Frosthorn was born seventeen years ago as a personal project out of a desire to make Black Metal, apart from my role as bassist in Barbarian Prophcies.

A year after writing and composing a few songs, I contacted M., an old friend with whom I shared the stage with the Trallazo project, with J., at that time a drummer in Barbarian Prophecies, and with L., a binge friend, to to take charge of the guitar, drums and lyrics, respectively, with the idea of taking Frosthorn to the recording studio. I would also take the vocal part, because looking for another person was not something I really wanted and to be honest, it wasn't a concern of mine at all.

It wouldn't be until two years later when we recorded a first demo with the lazy name of Promo 2008, with two of the few songs that the band had rehearsed enough, Mortuorum Black Metal and Immortal Pagan Rites. The following year, Frosthorn would give their only concert at a festival of friendly bands in Lugo, in the old rehearsal space of several local groups. Due to lack of time and dedication on my part, the project would remain on hold indefinitely.

At this point, no one knows if I will ever get back on my feet and record the material that has been written over the years, sporadically.
